Datagrid Table - Allow editing a field only when an other field contains data

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at
Mon Feb 11 12:40:58 EST 2019

Same here.

mostly of the time i  just use the dgText property to fill and read the table content of a datagrid, because i use the DG only as "normal" table, but with DG features the normal table field does not have, like easy column resizing, column reorder. This and the awesome Datagrid Helper from Zryip is all i need to get it working.
The DGH plugin is so powerful and it´s so easy to configure and modify the DG.

But sometimes there is a need to go deeper into the DG api and that´s where i always get stuck. ;)


Matthias Rebbe

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> Am 11.02.2019 um 16:59 schrieb Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>:
> Yeah, when we first began to brainstorm about a real table object, some people wanted just a simple row,column object where each column, row or cell could be formatted a certain way. Others asked for more complex things. What we got then was a programmable table object that a developer could code to do pretty much anything he wanted it to do. The datagrid library is like a new extension of Livecode Script. 
> What I find however as with other languages I've dabbled in, is that I never need or use the full set of commands and functions, but only a subset of them as needed, and I become very familiar with those. I code out of necessity. :-) As a result I'm pretty good with tables, but customizing display based on data I haven't toyed with much, and form datagrids not at all. 
> Bob S
>> On Feb 9, 2019, at 09:16 , Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:
>> @Bob S 
>> Thanks for the link. Visited it and realised again that DG is very complex. ;)
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