DataGrid Crash to Desktop Revisited

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Thu Dec 19 10:47:01 EST 2019

Yeah tried that. Data doesn't get set. 

My problem is that I have been using SelectionChanged to do a lot of things, like populate the card objects (I call it a form). I was thinking that there might be some way to discern that an existing SelectionChaged handler was in effect in the datagrid library, but then what? If I could pull that off, it would have to be in the dgdata custom property before it calls anything that might call selectionChanged. I suspect it would unravel something else though. 

What I will do instead is put all the code I need in another handler, and then call that handler in time. That is what I have done with all my other forms, but I thought I would revisit this in the hopes of a more comprehensive solution. 

Bob S

> On Dec 18, 2019, at 17:28 , Mark Wieder via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> I'm not sure why this is, but I think it's because the datagrid library does something internernally that triggers another selectionChanged, causing an infiinite loop, forcing the engine to bail out.
> Yes, that's what I would expect. Selecting different data *should* cause another selectionChanged event.
>> Any ideas?
> on selectionChanged
>      put the dgHilitedIndex of me into tHilitedIndex
>      put the dgDataOfIndex [tHilitedIndex] of me into aDGData [1]
>      lock messages
>      set the dgData of me to aDGData
>      unlock messages
> end selectionChanged
> -- 
> Mark Wieder
> ahsoftware at

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