Inclusions bug in LC9?

Paul Dupuis paul at
Mon May 7 16:24:14 EDT 2018

RECIPE (Under Windows 8.1, LC9.0.0)

Open LC. Create a new Untitled stack, default size. Save the stack as
"Test.livecode". Select "Standalone Application Settings..." from the
file menu

OBSERVE: The "Inclusions" tab is disabled (greyed out)

I assumed at first this was because the stack has no scripts, so I added
a stack script:


*put*revXMLTrees() intoX


And saved the stack and then check the Standalone settings. The
"Inclusions" tab was still disabled. I tried building the default
standalones (OSX, Windows, Linux) successfully and then checked the
Standalone settings to see if the "Inclusions" tab might then be
enabled. Nope.

I did a search in the Quality Center and did not find a reported bug for
this. Can someone check this and confirm this bug?

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