[Bug 19998] The non-appearance of Polygon graphics in LC

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Thu Jul 12 11:09:35 EDT 2018

Each of these Mac OS exploits require that the end user install something on their computer, or allow it. As far as the doorstop comparison, well that comment is a bit of a red herring now isn't it? Brand new computers with current AV definitions and a completely updated OS involves "some degree of risk". 

My point is that if you use a computer in such a way that it performs it's job as it always has, an internal SQL server with no exposure to the internet for example, then all other things being equal, it's not obsolete by a certain definition. 

I guess I am saying that what different people mean by obsolete varies depending on the application. A developer who wants to continue using a workstation that no longer runs the current version of LC, but that developer wants the new features of said current version, could be said to be running an obsolete OS. If he doesn't need those new features, the device can be said to be viable. 

Bob S

> On Jul 11, 2018, at 17:54 , Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>   But Wardle has shown that the vulnerability allows an attacker
>   to grab and steal every password in plain-text using an unsigned
>   app downloaded from the internet, without needing that password.

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