Local Image Paths in HTML for Browser Widget Fails

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at hindu.org
Sat Jan 6 14:45:00 EST 2018

I'm trying to send some local html to the browser widget to display a local loading GIF until the page "comes down" from the cloud. This needs to work on mobile too.

the directory structure

main app folder
   view_Browser.livecode # Card 1 has the browser widget…

I have this in the preopenstack handler


command setWebURL
       put path_Assets() & "info/web-loading.html" into tLocalPath
       put url ("binfile://" & tLocalPath) into tLoader
       put path_Assets() & "img/global-icons/ajax_loader_big.gif" into imgPath
       replace "##IMAGE-PATH##" with imgPath in tLoader
       set the htmlText of widget "body" to tLoader   # html is set, but img not found
       put tLoader # let's see what we are getting..
end setWebURL

path_Assets() function returns the  specialFolderPath("resources") & "assets/"

it is working for the html itself, but inside html both of these fail

# full URL from "root"  which would translate correctly on mobile to the app package…

<img src="/Users/Brahmanathaswami/Documents/_Siva-Siva-App/assets/img/global-icons/ajax_loader_big.gif" width="128" height="128" alt="ajax_loader_big">

# I manually tried a relative path

<div class="container">
<img src="../assets/img/global-icons/ajax_loader_big.gif" width="128" height="128" alt="ajax_loader_big">

The html is found because we see in the browser widget the broken image icon with the name "ajax_loader_big" so the path function works, html is set as expected, but the browser widget can't find the image locally.

I can "proof" this locally by moving a copy of web-loading.html into the same folder as the stack..
drag and drop onto a browser from that location, which is the same location as the stack with the browser widget…

both of these work


I could have sworn I had this working last year, but not today.  At that time we were working right in the same directory… so I tried this:


src="img/ajax_loader_big.gif"  in the html for the browser widget but it still can't find it

What am I missing?  Why can't the browser widget find the image?


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