Go in Window (not working) Go in A window "working"

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at hindu.org
Mon Jan 1 22:48:30 EST 2018

Mark recommends using "go in window" on Mobile,
saying this closes stack A while going to open stack B

This works on desktop

put ("stack " & quote & gems & quote) into tDestination
go tDestination  # but stack A remains open.

but this fails in a backscript

put ("stack " & quote & gems & quote) into tDestination;
go to tDestination in window

Script error,  though the dictionary seems to indicate this is correct syntax.

so that I test in the msg box…and also passing by ref which we need to do.
the problem is not using "a"

put ("stack " & quote & gems & quote) into tDestination; go tDestination in window # fails
put ("stack " & quote & gems & quote) into tDestination; go tDestination in a window  # works But stack A is still open…(on desktop)

thinking it was because this was being called from a library, text only script (which has no window)

I created a button the top of the main stack

on mouseup
   go to stack "gems" in window
end mouseup

# also fails

on mouseup
   go to stack "gems" in a window  # this worked…but stack A remains open on desktop
end mouseup

but doesn't this entry indicate "a" is optional?

go [invisible] [to] card<lcs,card,> [of stack<lcs,stack,>] [{as mode<lcs,mode,> |in [a] new window|in window}]

and in any case.  the firs stack stays open so the goal of only keeping one stack in memory is "defeated" either way..

so … back to this:

go cardOrStackObject # e.g go "gems" (or this string) go card 3 of "gems"
wait 100 milliseconds with messages
close stack oStackName
wait 100 milliseconds with messages

Any clues to using Go in window to close stack 1 and open stack 2?

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