Datagrid -- Scrolling on Mobile

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Mon Aug 20 11:09:31 EDT 2018

I am slowly getting up to speed with datagrid, I understand structure, the scripts of the row group, can instantiate data etc.

But, am I missing something?

I can't find single lesson on implementing DG on mobile.

Scrolling on mobile -- do we do it the same way as other groups?

1) turn off scroll bars

2) CreateScroller etc (mobile library)

3) Does does Datagrid have it's own "mobile magic" scroller.

I use what looks like a "hackey" way to determine if a user is clicking  on a group, or is scrolling the group. Is it same for the DataGrid?

if abs(the mouseH - item 1 of sStartLoc) <= 10 and abs(the mouseV - item 2 of sStartLoc) <= 10 then

portal_setCurrent (the short name of this card)

put the short name of the target into tRow

set the itemDelimiter to "_"

put item 1 of tRow into tLinkNo

if tLinkNo is not a number then

exit mouseup

end if

put fld (tLInkNo &"_" &"portal-link-label") into tRowName

portal_DoRowLink tRowName


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