copying large string from clipboard is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Aug 15 17:25:23 EDT 2018

Tom Glod wrote:

 > Hey Peeps... so I'm stress testing a clipboard tool I have been
 > working on .....and copying a large key from the clipboard array into
 > a variable (such as the king james bible from the guttenberg project)
 > takes a really long time.

What is the size? It's been a long time since I worked with that file.

 > like 3 or 4 seconds ....(for each key)
 > its a large string...but thats crazy.
 > I'm copying from "the clipboarddata" ... not rawdata or fulldata.
 > should i report bug? or is there a legit reason why this is so?

Depends.  That's a very rare use case, one not likely optimized for by 
many apps, or even the OS.

So one way to get a feel for whether LC is indeed slow there is to 
compare with another program:

How long does it take to copy with the file is opened in Word?
And from WordPad?
Might also get comparisons with any other program you have lying around 
that can be used for that.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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