Windows: "not responding"

Tom Glod tom at
Tue Aug 14 16:12:09 EDT 2018

if i had a penny for every time this has come up....

i do not enjoy having to slow down my handlers by adding a wait with
messages command ..... its a noticeable drop in data processing
performance.  this HAS to be addressed at the level of the engine.  The OS
is supposed to schedule CPU cycles to different processes .... and for some
reason the engine is asking for top priority.

has anyone ever tried lowering the priority level in the task manager ? to
see if that has an effect on this problem?.... i might go test that out the
next time i'm in lc.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> I think they did. As I recall, the upshot was that this is a Windows
> thing, and Livecode is not the only victim. In fact, we use a product by
> Prism called DocRecord, and it will exhibit similar behavior when running
> on a slower PC with less than optimal resources.
> I'm thinking maybe this would be a good task to hand off to some kind of
> agent app. It's easy to do with sockets, passing information back and
> forth. I wrote a Spinner app and compiled it, which would receive
> Applescript commands to show/hide itself, display a progress indicator, and
> display a status message. Since it was compiled as it's own app, it ran in
> it's own thread, so leaving my main app to go about it's business while it
> was doing it's thing.
> For my purposes it was only a progress dialog because an animated gif will
> only update while Livecode is idle, which it never is when I need a
> progress indicator.
> Bob S
> > On Aug 14, 2018, at 12:32 , Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> >
> > It would be nice if some LiveCode, Ltd expert could at least look into
> > this and let people know if they can do anything in their apps to avoid
> > this rather than leave us to try different thing hoping something we
> > stumble upon may work.
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