Digital Pomegranate

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Mon Apr 23 11:48:42 EDT 2018

Not to stir things up, but Turkey in 1915 was run by people who are no longer alive. To expect their descendants to apologize for something then never did would have no meaning. It would be like asking me to aoplogize for injustices done during the French revolution. 

Bob S

> On Apr 23, 2018, at 08:28 , Mark Wieder via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> I see from the “Radio Free Europe” news that Sarikisian resigned. Great news! Congratulations!
> And I think equally important is that Sarkisian acknowledged that his reason for resigning that the movement in the street is against him, not that he was "going to spend more time with his family". This is indeed great news. Next step, get Turkey to apologize for 1915.
> -- 
> Mark Wieder
> ahsoftware at

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