Scrollbar control and auto complete confusion

Ali Lloyd ali.lloyd at
Tue Oct 3 16:14:59 EDT 2017

Hi Bill,
probably best in this instance to refer to the dragLeave entry in the
dictionary - "Sent when the mouse pointer moves out of an object during a drag
and drop." So, this is relevant to all controls including the scrollbar,
but perhaps not in the way you would think immediately.

PS, you can use the documentation tab in the script editor to display brief
info about the livecode syntax token at the current text entry point, or
right click on a token and choose 'Find in docs' to see the dictionary

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 8:24 PM William Prothero via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Folks:
> In livecode 8.1.7 (RC2), I drag a scrollbar to the window of a new stack.
> I the scrollbar script, I put the following code:
> on dragLeave
>         answer  “here"
> end dragLeave
> The “dragLeave” message is shown in the autocomplete list. There are
> numerous other entries in the autocomplete list in the IDE editor, that
> look like messages that are sent for various operations.
> I get nothing when I move the scroll with the mouse. Same behavior for
> “slider” and “scrollbar” controls in 9.0.0 (DP9).
> What’s up? Is this a bug, confusion on my part? Seems non-intuitive. It
> seems to me that there are a LOT of entries in the auto-complete list that
> do nothing relevant to the control. If I put the handler in the stack
> script, I also get nothing.
> Best,
> Bill P
> William A. Prothero
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