Image Offset in Frame

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Thu Nov 16 17:38:55 EST 2017

I was wrong. There is at least 3 (maybe more)
different ways to clip an image using a group:

Method 1 using lockLocation:
Method 2 using clipstorect
Method 3 using boundingRect

The following detailed description is useful mostly
for newcomers in this platform...

1) create a new stack
2) import an image
3) set the script of this image to:
on mousedown
grab me
end mousedown
4) group this imported image
5) reduce the size of this group and
6) Choose one of these options:

Option 1) - set the locklocation of this group to true or
Option 2) - set the clipstorect of this group to true or
Option 3) - set the boundingRect of this group to the rect of this group

If you select the group with the "Edit" tool, paste the previous script in
the message box, change the phrase "this group" for "selobj" (without
and press enter:

set the locklocation of selobj to true

set the clipstorect of selobj to true

set the boundingRect of selobj to the rect of selobj

Each option have it's own advantages. Test them and choose
one that works for your purpose.

By the way, Where could I find the boolean property "clipstorect"
within the Property Inspector?


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