Finding on online shop window for apps (was Re: Awful quiet around here )

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at
Wed Nov 15 10:48:44 EST 2017

i know. I watched your Levure presentation at LC Global, but had not enough time yet to dig deeper into it myself.
Your framework looks awesome and hopefully during the holidays next month i will be able to concentrate on it.


> Am 15.11.2017 um 15:47 schrieb Trevor DeVore via use-livecode <use-livecode at>:
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>> wrote:
>> Normally i do sign all of my apps (even custom and inhouse apps) for
>> Windows and Mac.
>> Makes life easier. But to be honest, sometimes i forgot to sign, if i am
>> in a hurry or i do not sign if i have not the time.
>> It´s not very time consuming, but sometimes even the time for signing is
>> not there.  But i am trying to sign them later then.
>> But as i wrote, normally i do code sign them.
>> For code signing Windows apps I´ve purchased a Comodo Code Signing
>> Certificate from K Software ( <
>>> )
>> because it´s much cheaper then buying from Comodo itself.
>> Although KSoftware is the vendor, the needed verification process and the
>> delivery of the certificate is done by Commodo.
>> For code signing Mac apps i am using the app AppWrapper with my Apple
>> Developer certificate.
> This thread would be a good place for me to point out that if you use the
> Levure framework code signing can be handled automatically whenever you
> package up an application for distribution.
> When building on macOS your macOS version of the app will be signed
> automatically (assuming you have the proper signing certificate already).
> If you have the DropDMG helper installed then a DMG can be created
> automatically. If you are building for the Mac App Store then all files
> necessary to upload to Apple are created.
> When building on Windows the InnoSetup helper can generate a file for
> InnoSetup and then automatically run it. All code signing happens during
> this process (there is a one-time InnoSetup configuration). If you are
> building on macOS then the InnoSetup file is created and you just have to
> open it in InnoSetup in Windows and then build the installer. You can run
> the installer under Wine but I haven’t figured out how to code sign with
> InnoSetup under Wine.
> Introduction to building installers and links:
> <>
> -- 
> Trevor DeVore
> ScreenSteps
> <>
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