Finding on online shop window for apps (was Re: Awful quiet around here )

Trevor DeVore lists at
Wed Nov 15 09:47:18 EST 2017

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Normally i do sign all of my apps (even custom and inhouse apps) for
> Windows and Mac.
> Makes life easier. But to be honest, sometimes i forgot to sign, if i am
> in a hurry or i do not sign if i have not the time.
> It´s not very time consuming, but sometimes even the time for signing is
> not there.  But i am trying to sign them later then.
> But as i wrote, normally i do code sign them.
> For code signing Windows apps I´ve purchased a Comodo Code Signing
> Certificate from K Software ( <
> >)
> because it´s much cheaper then buying from Comodo itself.
> Although KSoftware is the vendor, the needed verification process and the
> delivery of the certificate is done by Commodo.
> For code signing Mac apps i am using the app AppWrapper with my Apple
> Developer certificate.

This thread would be a good place for me to point out that if you use the
Levure framework code signing can be handled automatically whenever you
package up an application for distribution.

When building on macOS your macOS version of the app will be signed
automatically (assuming you have the proper signing certificate already).
If you have the DropDMG helper installed then a DMG can be created
automatically. If you are building for the Mac App Store then all files
necessary to upload to Apple are created.

When building on Windows the InnoSetup helper can generate a file for
InnoSetup and then automatically run it. All code signing happens during
this process (there is a one-time InnoSetup configuration). If you are
building on macOS then the InnoSetup file is created and you just have to
open it in InnoSetup in Windows and then build the installer. You can run
the installer under Wine but I haven’t figured out how to code sign with
InnoSetup under Wine.

Introduction to building installers and links:

Trevor DeVore

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