nice Sierra feature

Colin Holgate colinholgate at
Sun May 28 05:35:29 EDT 2017

Was just testing something and needed to look up a function in the dictionary. As can often happen, especially when you frequently alternate between using one and two monitors, the top of the dictionary window was underneath the macOS menubar. To fix that in the past I would do something on the lines of put the windows, figure out that the window is called revDictionary, then set the top of window revDictionary to 100.

In Sierra there is the tab bar area in each window, which lets you dock windows together. When you drag that area you get a translucent thumbnail image of the window, and if you release when not on top of another window it has the effect of moving the window to that location. Which means that if the titlebar of a window is under the system menu, but you can grab the tab bar, you can quickly move the window fully into view.

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