LC Server - Upload Large Images?

Rick Harrison harrison at
Tue May 23 12:22:46 EDT 2017

Hi there,

I spent a few days, and performed a bunch of
system upgrades.

I upgraded my server up to macOS Sierra 10.12.5,
the server software up to macOS Server 5.3.1,
and reinstalled LC server version 8.1.4 RC 2.

Now when I use:

put specialFolderPath(“temporary”)

I get the same results as the rest of you do, 
which is good!

I did some experimentation and found
that sysError 2 means that the file or
folder wasn’t found.

sysError 13 means that there was
a permissions problem.

I did a simple test using rename to move and rename a file from
one folder such as default/OriginalFolder/FileToBeMoved.jpg
to a folder called default/DestinationFolder/FileMoved.jpg
which works just fine!

When I try uploading the file to the server it goes into
a folder starting with /tmp/zz0303s… and when I try
to rename and move it, I get a sysError 20.
I don’t know what sysError 20 is.  When I tried to
look it up online all I saw was a vague statement that
it is possibly some kind of I/O error.

I have a routine which will upload small image files
which are less than 32,767kb in size which works
fine, but it won’t work for any larger image files.

I have been all over the internet looking for good
examples of LC which can upload image files
and I haven’t been able to get any of them to work.

Does anyone have a good tested/working example 
of uploading large image files to an LC server
using LC script they could share with me?  
This problem is really holding everything up 
for me and I need to move on.



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