Calling a livecode executable -ui from LC server and get back a result.

Mark Waddingham mark at
Fri May 5 13:22:06 EDT 2017

Hi Malte,

Just an update on my previous post. I did the following:

Took a community standalone engine from inside an installed LiveCode 
distro on Windows and copied to the desktop.

Tried (from Command Prompt):

   Standalone.exe -ui

Noticed that I just got a newline in the console, and nothing else.



Then repeated the same command (Standalone.exe -ui) and got:

ERROR: Initialization error - no stackfile to run

Where I would expect - in the console.

Then I created a simple livecodescript file:

   script "foobar"
   on startup
     write "foobar" to stderr
   end startup

Then did:

   Standalone.exe -ui foobar.livecodescript

And got 'foobar' in the console I ran it from, and the console did 
nothing more (as standalone engines don't quit unless you explicitly 
close all stacks, or 'quit') until I did Ctrl-C. At which point control 
returned to the console.

So - I think the EditBin suggestion will do as you want - and let you 
create a standalone (built or unbuilt) which runs like a normal console 
command so you should be able to get its output in shell() or from open 

Hope this helps!


Mark Waddingham ~ mark at ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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