Extra Title Bar in All Stacks

Colin Holgate colinholgate at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 21:45:27 EDT 2017

It’s a standard Sierra feature that LiveCode doesn’t fully support yet. The View menu is supposed to have a Show Tab Bar menu item, which would hide the tab bar part of the window. The option is there sometimes, so if you’re lucky enough to see it you can deselect it.

If the tab bar is showing you can drag one stack’s tab bar to another stack’s tab bar to dock them together. There should also be a + button in the tab bar too, which in LiveCode I suppose would start a new stack as a tab.

Stacks that are docked together are effectively the same card size, so if LiveCode does do better support it should be possible to start a new stack as a tab, and at the card side of the existing stack, without you having to say what size stack you want.

> On Mar 25, 2017, at 6:20 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Something bizarre started happening this afternoon
> Mac OSx 10.12.3 Sierra
> LC 9DP5
> Stack are opening with a second title bar underneath the *real* title bar.
> see http://wiki.hindu.org/uploads/extra-title-var.jpg
> I deleted my settings, removed all plug-ins, deleted settings again, rebooted… stack still appear with a second title bar.
> any clues to what is wrong?
> BR

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