D3 LiveCode Chart Examples

Trevor DeVore lists at mangomultimedia.com
Fri Mar 24 19:00:13 EDT 2017

On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 12:06 AM, Todd Fabacher via use-livecode <
use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> On Facebook people had expressed a desire to work with D3 and LiveCode. So,
> here is the D3 LiveCode Chart Examples on github:
> https://github.com/digitalpomegranate/D3-Livecode-Charts

Hi Todd,

Thanks for putting this up on GitHub. I have a favor to ask. Would you be
willing to change the extension of the file from .livecode to

.livecodescript is the extension that has been adopted by the mothership
for script only stacks. I've been using it myself along with others.
Recently I started looking at how to get LiveCode added as a supported
language to GitHub. I was pleased to find out that they pull syntax
coloring from a TextMate bundle. I was sad to see that in order to accept a
new language (in most cases at least) GitHub prefers to see it in
widespread use.

If everyone who posts files to GitHub differentiates binary stacks from
script only stacks using the extension then it will be helpful going
forward. As part of the submission process you have to send a search to
them that shows how often the language extension is used. A search that
doesn't show binary files would need to be submitted so the search would
filter by .livecodescript.

Trevor DeVore
Outcome & ScreenSteps
www.outcomeapp.io     -     www.screensteps.com

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