Table Fields "and all"

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jun 29 13:24:46 EDT 2017

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 > On 6/29/17 11:13 am, Lagi Pittas wrote:
 >> I had the same problem when I started using Tables and after I
 >> found the TAB delimiter "trick" as per Hermann, it was obvious
 >> (20/20 Hind sight).
 >> The Aha! moment came when using commas messed it up by putting them
 >> all in 1 column with the commas intact. I just assumed everybody
 >>  knew  and I was a slow learner- nice to know I was not alone
 > One of the reasons you may not be alone is because the documentation
 > is not much good when it comes to table fields.
 > I have my suspicions that they have been overlooked; possibly in the
 > mad rush towards datagrids.

Table fields were introduced at least by the mid-90s, possibly as early 
as '92 when the MetaCard/LiveCode engine was born.  The DataGrid is much 
newer.  There was no "rush towards datagrids".

What Lagi experienced is how people learn.

The human mind can generally hold between three and seven things in 
conscious memory at any given time.  The User Guide is 627 pages long.

Whether we're learning basketball, piano, or programming, there is no 
book one can read and then expect to be immediately good at the craft.

People learn by practice.  Practice is the art of learning from mistakes.

The value judgment that mistakes are somehow "wrong" or someone else's 
fault or anyone's fault at all is probably the biggest impediment to 
learning I've ever known.

Imperfect performance, in any human endeavor, is simply how we learn to 
move ever closer toward perfection, a journey that moves forward as 
quickly as the number of hours we devote to practice.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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