Table Fields "and all"

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Thu Jun 29 03:56:41 EDT 2017

Imagine the following scenario:

A text file containing lines of text a bit like this:

Mary Smith 12 Windsor Gardens Slough 45 housewife

now getting those lines into a Table Field is going to involve messing 
around with 'quote' amongst all the "dicing and slicing".

I think I'll be a "right plonker" and give that to my programming pupils 
tomorrow afternoon.

If you never hear from me again start looking for a gravestone in 
Bulgaria with a Table Field on it!


On 6/29/17 10:45 am, Richmond Mathewson wrote:
> I want to put "cheese" into the third column across of the third line 
> down of my Table Field "TF"
> put "cheese" into column 3 of line 3 of fld "TF"   did not work,
> put "cheese" into item 3 of line 3 of fld "TF"
> put "cheese" into the first column preceded by two commas (default 
> itemDelimiters).
> put tab & tab &"cheese" into line 3 of fld "TF"
> "worked" insofar as it put "cheese" into column 3, but it also deleted 
> other data in columns 1 and 2 . . .
> That use of 'tab' seems clunky in the extreme . . .
> And, things are "not much good" if on entering data it deletes other 
> data elsewhere.
> I found something very helpful for getting an Array into a Table Field
> [ 
> ]
> but that didn't really help me.
> put "Biscuits" & "cheese" into line 3 of fld "TF"   gave me 
> "Biscuitscheese" in the first column
> 'obviously'
> put "Biscuits" & tab & "cheese" into line 3 of fld "TF"
> did separate the biscuits from the cheese.
> This is "a right pox" as, presumably, if one imports a comma delimited 
> data file from outside Livecode one has to
> go through a "pretty glorious" rigmarole getting all the stuff into 
> the right slots.
> -----------
> Of course the easy answer to my post is to do a knee-jerk "datagrid" 
> or a "wait for datagrid 2" response,
> but not all of us really want the high learning and coding overhead 
> that the datagrid involves, especially when
> we might be dealing with a simple 10 x 10 table of data.
> Richmond.

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