can't edit...while it is executing

Mark Wieder ahsoftware at
Wed Jun 14 19:53:49 EDT 2017

On 06/14/2017 04:43 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

> The traditional xTalk solution for this is Cmd-./Ctrl-,. which safely 
> exits to top with a notification the the script was aborted.

I of course tried all the usual escape routes: ctl-., ctl-break, escape, 
setting the traceabort to true... I think the latest hangup was a result 
of jsonToArray choking on a badly-formed json object, so maybe I can 
blame mergJson for this, but even so it seems that there's some flag 
that gets set in the engine and I haven't figured out how to turn it loose.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at

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