Regex help...
Thierry Douez
th.douez at
Mon Jun 5 04:06:07 EDT 2017
Hi Paul,
AFAIK you need to deal with an hybrid approach (regex + livecode)
So, here is one way to do it:
put 3 into pPage
repeat for each line T in tCiCData
if matchText( T, "(?x) \t (\d+) , \d+ , (\d+) , \d+ \z", n1, n2)
if (n1 <= pPage) and (n2 >= pPage) then
put T & cr after tCiCfilteredData
end if
end if
end repeat
put tCiCfilteredData
But for the curious with an open-mind here is another solution:
get "perl -ne 'print if /\t(\d+),\d+,(\d+),\d+$(?(?{$1>PP ||
get replaceText( IT, "PP", pPage)
put shell( IT && "/your/path/CiCData.txt")
What? the regex do the comparison!
Well yes and no; in Perl we can embed Perl code *inside* the regex,
like: (?{$1>PP || $2<PP})
$1>PP || $2<PP is a Perl expression.
As we have a mixture of a regex pattern and some perl code;
that is in fact another hybrid solution.
And of course, you can do it using only chunks , item and so on...
Have fun,
2017-06-04 17:35 GMT+02:00 Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <
use-livecode at>:
> I have a tab and cr delimited table of data, a sample line of which is
> below:
> 1<tab>Test<tab>4052,12594<tab>1,4052,3,2388<cr>
> Can someone help me revise this regex to match what I need?
> Thank you kindly, in advance.
Thierry Douez -
sunnYrex - sunnYtext2speech - sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
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