Using LC server to check for existence of mp3 on our web server?

Tim Selander selander at
Sun Jan 22 06:13:08 EST 2017

Phil and Mike, Thanks for your pointers -- both look like they 
will work. Also in continuing to poke around the web, I also 
found this function that works:

function qrtHTTP_FileExists pURL
   local tSocket, tPath, tHeaders, tCommand
   set the itemDelimiter to "/"
   -- extract host IP address and file path from the URL
   put item 3 of pURL into tHost
   if tHost contains ":" then
     put tHost into tSocket
     put tHost & ":80" into tSocket
   end if
   put "/" & item 4 to -1 of pURL into tPath
   -- build the command
   put "HEAD" && tPath && "HTTP/1.1" into tCommand
   -- build the http headers
   put "Connection: Close" & CRLF & \
       "Host:" && tHost & CRLF & \
       "User-Agent: Revolution (" & the version & ")" into tHeaders
   -- open the socket, write he request and read the response
   open socket tSocket
   write tCommand & CRLF & tHeaders & CRLF & CRLF to socket tSocket
   read from socket tSocket until CRLF
   put word 2 of it into tResultCode
   close socket tSocket
   -- return our interpretation of the result code
   return (tResultCode = 200)
end qrtHTTP_FileExists

It's working for me.... but now I can't re-find it so I can't 
credit whoever wrote it!

Copying here for posterity!

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

On 2017.01.22, 19:09, Mike Bonner via use-livecode wrote:
> If you have php on your second server, and don't have lc, you can do a
> check with php similar to what you're talking about.  This is untested but..
> If you have the following php file (perhaps named checkforfile.php) on the
> alternate server, and send it a get request containing the path to the file
> youre looking for, it will return true or false if it exists.  This is
> obviously an extremely bare example.  You'd want to make sure the get
> contains "myfile" and handle that too, as well as any other issues.   In
> addition, you would probably want to limit the requests to only allowed
> areas and file types in the php script.
> <?php
> echo file_exists($_GET["myfile"]);
> ?>
>>From the lc side of things you could do something like this..
> <?lc
>     get url "
>     if it is true then
>        put "<audio src=>"
>    else
>        put "program not found."
>    end if
> ?>
> Of course if you DO have lc on the program server you can do the same type
> of check and "put" true or false just like you did with php.  (Also can be
> done with javascript, asp, etc)
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 2:16 AM, Phil Davis via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Here is a very simplistic way of checking for a file on your server. It
>> assumes your mp3 files are in a 'programs' folder that resides in the
>> 'document root' folder. This script as it is here would be in a .lc file on
>> your server. You pass it a filename in the url and it tells you if the file
>> is in the programs folder or not.
>> So the url would look something like this:
>> The text of the '' file:
>>     <?lc
>>        set the errorMode to "inline"
>>        put $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] into tFilename
>>        put $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] & "/programs/" & tFilename into tPath
>>        if there is a file tPath then
>>            put "Found file" && q(tFilename)
>>        else
>>            put "Did not find file" && q(tFilename)
>>        end if
>>     ?>
>>     <?lc
>>     function q pString
>>          return quote & pString & quote
>>     end q
>>     ?>
>> This is most likely not exactly what you need, but maybe it'll give you a
>> starting point.
>> Thanks -
>> Phil Davis
>> On 1/21/17 11:36 PM, Tim Selander via use-livecode wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> hosting, using LC server to present a list of our AM/FM radio
>>> programs for people to listening to on-demand.
>>> Out of a month's 20 programs, 3 or 4 might not get uploaded due to
>>> copyright issues, etc. Also, mp3's are not on the server, but
>>> another hosting service we use as well.
>>> Filenaming is standardized, so I know the list of programs. I want to hit
>>> the server, if the mp3 files exists, present it as an <audio src=, if the
>>> mp3 file does not exists, present a "Sorry, program not available" message.
>>> If I wanted to check on the existence of a small text file, it would be
>>> fast enough for me to just get it, put it into a variable and see if the
>>> variable has anything in it. But mp3's are too big, so too slow.
>>> Locally, I would simply write "if there is a file 'filename'..."  --
>>> what's the equivalent command for checking on existence of a file on a
>>> server?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Tim Selander
>>> Tokyo, Japan
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>> Phil Davis
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