Script Editor fixable? (was: Configuring a Sublime Text project to notify LiveCode IDE about updates to script only stacks)

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Wed Feb 22 16:09:14 EST 2017

>From what little I know, the levoure framework is designed to allow multiple devs on a single project. This is almost undoable from within the IDE. If however it's just text files getting worked on, then they can be checked out and in to whatever system you are working with, like Github for example. That is my understanding anyway. 

Bob S

> On Feb 21, 2017, at 18:27 , Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
> It's always exciting to see new ground explored with inter-app communications, but with script editors I find myself wondering:
> Why not use LC's?
> If it's not on par with alternatives and for some reason can't be made to be on par, why don't we just ship LC with an appropriately-licensed editor, allow hooks like the ones discussed here for any other editor folks might want, and spend the development time we used to spend on LC's editor on other things?
> --
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World Systems

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