httpd library and missed opportunity.

Alex Tweedly alex at
Tue Aug 1 20:50:01 EDT 2017

On 02/08/2017 01:42, Monte Goulding via use-livecode wrote:
>> On 2 Aug 2017, at 10:36 am, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:
>> The 'test' button is handy - but it's not the only way.
>> In fact, I rarely use it - I build my standalones, then try it out on 2 or 3 platforms (OK, this may be very untypical, because I am just starting to play with mobile and html5 ... but I suspect it will continue to be a viable work-flow - if only because of frequent interruptions, etc.) So I would hope to be able to run the server,  and then make multiple tests with a single standalone.
> Hmm… Well click the Test button and then from your other platform enter the IP of the machine with the IDE. Should work fine.
I was a bit unclear, sorry.  I make some edits, then build for multiple 
platforms (Mac, Android and HTML). Then I want to test each of those 
platforms out, perhaps multiple times. Maybe all it needs is a "Retest" 
button (or "cmd+Test") to re-use the most-recently-built for the 
selected test target.
>> You said "[HTTPd library] ...  now that we have one included in the IDE we ...". So is it the intention that this library is only available in the IDE, and won't be available for inclusion in a standalone, or for use from LCServer ?  (I can't see it in the list of inclusions in the SB, unlike diff, getopt, etc. - though that list is getting long enough that scrolling through it to see if something is there or not is becoming  inexact).
> It should be in the list in dp-9.
I don't see it (or don't recognize it). (dp8 Indy, OSX)


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