What's everyone working on this month? (September 2016)

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at jaedworks.com
Fri Sep 2 03:54:41 EDT 2016

For an application with a complicated set of data types and a growing 
ability to collect and export them, I'm working on a set of routines 
to export ALL the things - text, HTMLText, tabular data (as HTMLText, 
plain text, or a 2D array), images, or any combination of several of 
the above - to a variety of file formats including text, Word, Excel, 
PDF, or XTHML-compliant web page.

Right at the moment, I'm working on recognizing tabular data in text 
or HTMLText, and converting it to a "real" HTML <table> element 
before exporting as part of a web page.

At 9:48 AM +0100 9/1/2016, Peter TB Brett wrote:
>Hi all,
>What exciting LiveCode project(s) are you working on at the moment? 
>Where can we find out more about them?  Have you run into any 
>interesting problems (or solutions) that you'd like to share?
>In the office, I'm currently trying to figure out what tools I can 
>build to help with core dev team productivity.  For example, I'm 
>planning to create a tool that keeps our Bugzilla site 
>(http://quality.livecode.com/) synchronised with what's going on in 
>our git repositories (https://github.com/livecode/)
>In my spare time:
>- I've been adding some stuff to my somewhat-insane open source 
>"undergrowth" library of pure-LCB bits and pieces 
>(https://github.com/peter-b/undergrowth), including a templated 
>string formatting function:
>     u_format("There are {} lights", [5])   --> "There are 5 lights"
>- I've now written a reasonably usable Emacs mode for LCB source 
>code (https://github.com/peter-b/lcb-mode), with syntax highlighting 
>and indentation support.  It turns out LCB code (and LiveCode 
>script) is actually very difficult to highlight well without 
>compiler support because of LiveCode's English-like syntax, but 
>lcb-mode does the job adequately for the time being
>- I've got the idea of making it possible to write externals in Rust 
>going round (and round) inside my head but I haven't yet got round 
>to getting it working.
>What are you up to?
>                                      Peter
>Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at livecode.com>
>LiveCode Technical Project Manager
>lcb-mode for Emacs: https://github.com/peter-b/lcb-mode
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