Understanding 'the defaultStack'

Paul Dupuis paul at researchware.com
Sun Oct 9 16:42:58 EDT 2016

On 10/9/2016 4:25 PM, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:
> If it were being designed from scratch, what would the ideal behavior
> be for a targetStack property? Should it remain unchanged while a
> script is running (unless set explicitly)?

Some long time ago, someone on this list suggested a control block such
as "using <objectReference>" ... "end using"

Where any object references in the block would always be evaluated
relative to the object referred to in the start of the using block.

using card 3 of stack "X"
  put the label of btn "A" into myVar
end using

Would look for button "A" on card 3 of stack "X"

using stack "X" would be essentially the same as set the defaultStack to "X"

but you could also do things like

using grp id 1005 of card 3 of stack "X"
   repeat with i=1 to the number of fields
     -- would refer only to the field in group ID 1005 of card 3 of
stack "X"
   end repeat
end using

nested using block would presumably be possible

I always though this enhancement would be a great addition to LiveCode.
I would suggest this as a compliment to the defaultStack.

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