Fwd: LC / WordPress / CGI challenge

Richard Miller wow at together.net
Sun May 29 17:25:43 EDT 2016

Thanks, Stephen.

Those two inclinations were what I was thinking as well. Thanks for 

On 5/29/16 4:52 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
> 1. I wouldn't bother trying to do this simple task in PHP if I didn't have
> to...
> how about..
> create a livecode server page with the rating/poll page and business logic
> since you said you could do that ...  and easy to check and debug outside
> WP.
> and then use an IFRAME in the html
> to display your content. Yes, Livecode (server) working inside a WP page.
> everything shows from the Livecode server instance, including the CCS
> inside the 'view port'.
> <iframe>
> </iframe>
> http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp
> 2. use the IP of the visitor (available in the globals) to assure
> uniqueness. Keep a list.
> and for a double check use a "been here before" cookie/flag specifically
> for this poll.
> someone clever could hack it but it probably wouldn't be worth it.
> Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
> mixstream.org
> On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Alex Tweedly <alex at tweedly.net> wrote:
>> Disclaimer - I don't know much about Wordpress. But after Todd's postings
>> about it during the recent funding effort, I decided to go back and try
>> again to use it (previous attempts have failed in a myriad of features that
>> appear to be documented only on videos - the least time-effective way to
>> learn anything :-)
>> So my limited knowledge might be enough to be dangerous ,.,..
>> Use a Worpress plugin. There are many review / rating system plugins that
>> should do almost anything you want. I've not actualy used any of them, but
>> have browsed through the descriptions of some, and it looks like they'll be
>> able to do almost anything you're likely to want ...
>> -- Alex.
>> On 29/05/2016 15:51, Richard Miller wrote:
>>> I have someone building a WordPress website for me. I personally do not
>>> know WordPress. He doesn't know how to address the following issue. I know
>>> how to do much of it through Livecode, but I'm not sure how to integrate
>>> the two.
>>> One feature of the site is that users get to input a rating on a
>>> particular matter. This cumulative rating is then displayed at the site.
>>> The following items need to occur. I am very comfortable writing the
>>> back-end CGI code and processing it through LC.
>>> 1) when a given page is displayed, the cumulative rating needs to show on
>>> that page. How do I make a wordpress page initiate a CGI/LC script when
>>> that page is loaded, and display the result within a text block on that
>>> page?
>>> 2) what method can I use to limit one user from entering only one rating
>>> on a given matter? For example, I am asking users to rate a particular
>>> video on the basis of its believability. I don't want any one user to
>>> submit that rating on that particular video more than once, thereby skewing
>>> the results. Does this require me to force users to sign in with a username
>>> and password, then track that embedded information when they submit a
>>> rating, or is there an alternative which avoids signing in?
>>> Thanks for any feedback.
>>> Richard Miller
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