Help with Header Widget

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Thu May 12 06:10:29 EDT 2016

On 12/05/2016 03:53, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
> 1)    Drag out header widget
> 2)    From inside the property inspector.. how do I get the “add” button on the right to also show it’s label to the left of the icon?

Hi Brahmanathaswami,

The header widget either shows icons or text, so there isn't an option 
to show both!

I don't think we are planning to change that at the moment because 
getting the layout "right" is extremely difficult when you show both, 
but you could easily create your own widget based on the header widget 
that lays things out the way you want them.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Open Source Team

LiveCode 2016 Conference:

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