Replace accents

Ludovic THEBAULT ludovic.thebault at
Tue May 10 08:59:12 EDT 2016


This little scrip don't word with Livecode 7 and 8. I guess this is because Livecode work directly in unicode (the script work with Livecode 6).
But how handle it in my script ?

put "áàâäãåÄÅÀÃéèêëÊËÈÉíìîïÍÎÏÌóòôöõÓÔÒÕÖúùûüÚÛÙÜÑñçÇ'" into accent
put "aaaaaaAAAAeeeeEEEEiiiiIIIIoooooOOOOOuuuuUUUUNncC_" into noaccent
put 0 into cpt
   repeat for each char i in accent
      add 1 to cpt
      replace i with char cpt of noaccent in myText
   end repeat

I've tried with uniDecode and uniencode without success


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