Multiple Versions of LC on Mac

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Mar 31 17:00:33 EDT 2016

On 3/31/2016 3:44 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:

> If we maintain all these in the applications folder (on mac)
> LiveCode Indy
> LiveCode Indy 8.0.0 (dp 16).app
> LiveCode Indy 8.0 (dp 15).app
> etc.
> and be sure to close anyone of them before using another...
> are we getting ourselves into trouble at all, does this affect the preferences?
> Of course we  would need to "save stack with format version" to run in 7... and features not available 8 disappear e.g. use of new json lib.
> Any other caveats?

I almost always have at least 3 versions of LC running at once, and 
sometimes more. You don't need to quit them to alternate. The main 
caveat is that if you have the same stack open in more than one version, 
you have to remember which version you saved it in. If you forget, 
you're apt to overwrite the changes you made in one copy of LC with 
changes you made in a different copy. The best thing is not to open the 
same stack in more than one version at a time.

Right now I have a client project open in 7.1.3, a partially-finished 
test stack open in 7.1.1, and a "learning/tinkering" stack open in 
8.0dp16. For a long time I also kept 6.6.5 open for a project that 
needed it. I sort of use copies of LC the way some people use 

LC loads preferences on startup. You can change preferences in any 
version at any time, but whichever one you quit first will be the prefs 
you get when you launch any other copy of LC. While they are all 
running, they're just using the prefs they loaded when they launched.

LC 6 has a different prefs file than LC 7 and up, so if you're still 
running 6 then changing its prefs won't affect higher versions of LC.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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