line spacing coming in from text pasted from pdf or .doc

Phil Davis revdev at
Wed Mar 30 15:29:47 EDT 2016

You could see if the unwanted style info appears in the htmlText ot the 
styledText, and delete it from there I suppose. Sounds messy.


On 3/30/16 12:06 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Phil Davis <revdev at> wrote:
>> It sounds like you want the pasted text to leave behind any source
>> document-based properties and use those of the field you're pasting into.
>> Right?
> Not quite.  I want to keep font, italic, bold,size, and the like, which I'm
> able to process.
> But things like line numbering and line spacing from word seem to come in,
> but I can't find anything in the docs to clear them.
> I check for "mixed" for pasting in that has mixed size/font to deal with
> manually, and otherwise set a custom property so that it can reset.
>> During the paste, have you tried putting the clipboardData["text"] into a
>> variable, then putting the variable into the field? (Or set the text of the
>> selectedChunk to the variable)  That should get rid of any and all text
>> properties. Then if your problem is still there, it's probably invisible
>> text characters or some such thing - not text props at least.
> That loses the formatting that I need, though.
> Is there some way to find/parse what style info has been set on the field?
> Or documentation or a list of what these properties can be?
> thanks

Phil Davis

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