Design Challenge -- Round Corner mask on images

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Mon Mar 28 03:58:27 EDT 2016

Duh! and Eureka at the same time

I got it to work!  I kept thinking, if it works for Scott, and his stack opens in LC8 and it appears correctly, there has to be something I'm missing... indeed there was. I went back to the mask option stack from Scott site, on card one there is the automobile in an oval.

I tried moving the graphic around. Ahha!  The missing part of the puzzle is simple

1) I have to ignore the artifacts/strange mess of selection handle squares being rendered in streams on the card...this is some anamolous behavior in the IDE that is completley unrelated to our quest. I was mixing them up in my head.

2) the graphic and the mask have to be precisely on top of each other. The clue that Scott said I had moved the graphic...  I had made the  wrong assumption that group ink was somehow going to pick up the background from the card, and mask everything outside the graphic mask that was still inside the group boundaries.. but that's not what is happening.  with BlendDisIn, it is the graphic mask that does that and.... all that it picks up from the background is some mysterious default dimension of pixels, like an exterior padding, of about 10 pixels all around the graphic. Outside that.. it is "pixel life as usual" and the background image appears thru on the outside of the graphic mask.

Ok solution simple: set the rect of grc "mask" to the rect of image "lizard"  and voila, it works...

save, close, quit, reopen, all is perfect.

programatically then we can just import the image, create graphic to the same rect, set locs to the same loc, field half size, set the left, insert the "label" group set the script.

Probably better to create the group as a kind of template, set it's loc to -1000,-1000 and then copy it over and over again to instantiate all these "buttons"

And... happy ending: you can layer a field between the background image and the mask on top, set it's left to the left of the others and it too has it's corners masked.

Case closed...Thanks for your patience!

On March 27, 2016 at 8:49:13 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami (brahma at<mailto:brahma at>) wrote:

Regarding your second screenshot, you're likely getting that result
because you repositioned the graphic within the group.

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