(way OT, WAS: )Re: Delete the first entry of an array.

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Sun Mar 27 19:36:59 EDT 2016

Hmmm ... not real Fortran. (that should be said in a deep, impressive 
Real Fortran died when Fortran 77 took over :-(

And, AFAIK, only those modern variants from (I think) Fortran90 onwards 
have sparse arrays.

(I have to confess I last wrote a line of Fortran professionally in 
1988, and it was indeed in F77, so I'm exaggerating slightly)

-- Alex.

On 28/03/2016 00:03, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Alex Tweedly <alex at tweedly.net> wrote:
>> e, and hence be able to do completely dense arrays, just like Fortran etc.
>> (he said, making about 50 wild assumptions about a language he can't find a
>> spec for :-)
> Just to throw gas on the flames (petrol for you cross-atlantans) . . .
> Fortran can have sparse arrays, far larger than memory or disk storage . . .

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