Installing metacard on linux - cmd line or?

Eric A. Engle engleerica at
Sat Mar 26 13:23:34 EDT 2016

I wish to install metacard as I find the current UI bloated - it often hangs even when given propercode, and really hate the fact that new stacks and old stacks are incompatible. I am using ubuntu. While I did find an engine and stacks, I do not know the sudo etc. to try to install from a package. I did look on the Internet the one thread I founded ended in a chortle about being outdated and wasn't helpful. I have already searched the user list with no joy. Are there repositories to add or such?

I also wish to use the engine for CGI. 

Any help is appreciated.

I would prefer not to discuss the merits or demerits of livecode. I simply wish to install metacard, somehow.

Thank you.

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