Separate Widget palette
richmondmathewson at
Sun Mar 20 08:29:03 EDT 2016
Pretty picture here:
On 20.03.2016 14:15, RM wrote:
> On 20.03.2016 13:46, Trevor DeVore wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 4:03 AM, RM <richmondmathewson at> wrote:
>>> Well, how about having the widget section at the bottom of the revTools
>>> palette rather than above
>>> the section that is most likely to be used the most often?
>> Richmond,
>> You may find that you use widgets more than you think. I've been
>> working on
>> a project and I use widgets much more often than the old controls.
>> Granted,
>> I designed a lot of widgets for the project, but eventually widgets will
>> replace most (all?) of the old controls.
> Possibly.
> ------------ Big, Slightly Pompous, Thing coming up ----------------
> There is a school of thought [which, admittedly, may only have one
> member = me]
> that the old controls were quite sufficient for a very large subset of
> the LiveCode
> user base, and that, while the Widgets may be very clever and very
> jazzy (which they
> are) that subset may use them extremely rarely.
> I, for the foreseeable future, at least, will be perfectly happy
> programming with LiveCode 4.5,
> with occasional excursions into 7 'territory' for the better Unicode
> stuff.
> I should at this point out that LC 4.5 does not function on my Xubuntu
> box, but I use it extensively on
> my G5 Macintosh . . .
> However, it is not unreasonable to predict that, in the future,
> operating systems will arise
> on which those versions cannot deliver, at which point all my
> development will transfer to
> 8 (or 9 ???); at which point, if I have no wish to use the Widgets, I
> won't want them "in my face"
> in quite the way they are presently.
> Hence my recent suggestion that they could be moved to the bottom of
> the revTools palette
> rather than the top.
> I do feel that, sometimes, the LiveCode people in their,
> understandable, enthusiasm to
> promote the results of their hard work, fail to take into account that
> while Richard, Jacqueline,
> Klaus and Thee may run at the front of the pack, there are a large
> number of us bringing up
> the rear.
> For instance: I am wondering whether, in my Summer Livecode classes
> (for kids between 9 and 18)
> whether to use Livecode 7.x or Livecode 8.x. I do feel that the widget
> icons on the revTools
> palette may serve as an unwelcome distraction from my attempts to get
> the kids to understand
> the more basic, underlying concepts of programming.
> The problem is complicate by the simple fact that kids, once they get
> home and hook their computers
> up to the LC download site are going to be offered the "latest thang"
> which may not be what I have
> shown them on the machines in my school: and a wildly different
> revTools stack may only serve
> to confuse them.
> Having an separate Widget palette would allow teachers and so forth,
> who didn't want the widgets
> showing up, to hide them away. I suppose were the widgets at the
> bottom of a unified revTools palette
> they would, at least, be less obtrusive.
> ----------- End of that --------------
> ---------- Simpler way of putting the above -------------
> I want a way to hide the Widgets in such a way that a kid opening
> LIveCode
> won't see them at any point during his/her programming class with me.
> -------- Ah, that feels better --------------
> Richmond.
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