Look and Feel in LC8

RM richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 00:25:28 EST 2016

No: I'm sorry, I'm not going to for the very simple reason that when I 
LC 8 DP 15 on Xubuntu 64 bit 15.10, created a standard 400x400 stack,
imported an SVG widget, and clicked on it to get the preference palette 
my whole computer
froze solid.

Probably try it later with DP 12 or something, after I've calmed down.


On 13.03.2016 03:42, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> Please test this SVG code.
> Copy and Paste this in a SVG icon in LC8.
> I used Inkscape to create this code.
> M 0 0 L 0 58.929688 L 117.85938 58.929688 L 117.85938 0 L 0 0 z M 21.695312
> 10.265625 C 23.213546 10.265625 24.759867 10.417384 26.335938 10.722656 C
> 27.912007 11.027929 29.525461 11.48711 31.173828 12.097656 L 31.173828
> 16.84375 C 29.511001 15.960065 27.941652 15.30295 26.466797 14.869141 C
> 24.991942 14.435333 23.566999 14.216797 22.193359 14.216797 C 19.807565
> 14.216797 17.965404 14.731478 16.664062 15.759766 C 15.37718 16.788054
> 14.732422 18.250579 14.732422 20.146484 C 14.732422 21.737117 15.158616
> 22.942302 16.011719 23.761719 C 16.879279 24.565068 18.513809 25.214813
> 20.914062 25.712891 L 23.560547 26.316406 C 26.828362 27.007288 29.236052
> 28.227214 30.783203 29.978516 C 32.344814 31.713752 33.125 34.044557 33.125
> 36.96875 C 33.125 40.455288 32.070051 43.098931 29.958984 44.898438 C
> 27.862377 46.697941 24.78183 47.597656 20.71875 47.597656 C 19.186058
> 47.597656 17.55153 47.403186 15.816406 47.017578 C 14.095742 46.63197
> 12.311734 46.061789 10.460938 45.306641 L 10.460938 40.294922 C 12.239439
> 41.403545 13.981295 42.238437 15.6875 42.800781 C 17.393704 43.363127
> 19.070383 43.644531 20.71875 43.644531 C 23.220219 43.644531 25.150586
> 43.098415 26.509766 42.005859 C 27.868946 40.913303 28.548828 39.354519
> 28.548828 37.330078 C 28.548828 35.562708 28.057455 34.1817 27.074219
> 33.185547 C 26.105442 32.189393 24.507992 31.441436 22.28125 30.943359 L
> 19.613281 30.365234 C 16.345466 29.64222 13.981879 28.509229 12.521484
> 26.966797 C 11.061088 25.424365 10.330078 23.278706 10.330078 20.53125 C
> 10.330078 17.349985 11.333899 14.843356 13.34375 13.011719 C 15.368061
> 11.180081 18.15277 10.265625 21.695312 10.265625 z M 39.957031 10.916016 L
> 44.337891 10.916016 L 44.337891 46.898438 L 39.957031 46.898438 L 39.957031
> 10.916016 z M 49.044922 10.916016 L 53.621094 10.916016 L 63.880859
> 41.210938 L 74.160156 10.916016 L 78.714844 10.916016 L 66.375 46.898438 L
> 61.408203 46.898438 L 49.044922 10.916016 z M 88.910156 10.916016 L
> 93.876953 10.916016 L 106.2168 46.898438 L 101.66211 46.898438 L 98.712891
> 37.667969 L 84.115234 37.667969 L 81.166016 46.898438 L 76.546875 46.898438
> L 88.910156 10.916016 z M 91.382812 15.710938 L 85.439453 33.619141 L
> 97.345703 33.619141 L 91.382812 15.710938 z M 22.351562 71.138672 C 18.80902
> 71.138672 16.026264 72.055081 14.001953 73.886719 C 11.992102 75.718356
> 10.986328 78.224985 10.986328 81.40625 C 10.986328 84.153706 11.717338
> 86.297412 13.177734 87.839844 C 14.638129 89.382276 17.001716 90.515267
> 20.269531 91.238281 L 22.9375 91.816406 C 25.164242 92.314483 26.761692
> 93.06244 27.730469 94.058594 C 28.713705 95.054747 29.205078 96.435755
> 29.205078 98.203125 C 29.205078 100.22757 28.525196 101.78635 27.166016
> 102.87891 C 25.806836 103.97147 23.876469 104.51758 21.375 104.51758 C
> 19.726633 104.51758 18.049954 104.23617 16.34375 103.67383 C 14.637545
> 103.11148 12.895689 102.27659 11.117188 101.16797 L 11.117188 106.18164 C
> 12.967985 106.93679 14.753945 107.50697 16.474609 107.89258 C 18.209733
> 108.27819 19.842308 108.4707 21.375 108.4707 C 25.43808 108.4707 28.518627
> 107.57099 30.615234 105.77148 C 32.726301 103.97198 33.78125 101.32834
> 33.78125 97.841797 C 33.78125 94.917604 33.001064 92.588752 31.439453
> 90.853516 C 29.892302 89.102214 27.484612 87.880334 24.216797 87.189453 L
> 21.570312 86.587891 C 19.170058 86.089813 17.535529 85.438115 16.667969
> 84.634766 C 15.814866 83.815349 15.388672 82.610164 15.388672 81.019531 C
> 15.388672 79.123626 16.033429 77.661101 17.320312 76.632812 C 18.621655
> 75.604525 20.463815 75.091797 22.849609 75.091797 C 24.223249 75.091797
> 25.648192 75.30838 27.123047 75.742188 C 28.597902 76.175997 30.167251
> 76.835065 31.830078 77.71875 L 31.830078 72.970703 C 30.181711 72.360157
> 28.568258 71.902929 26.992188 71.597656 C 25.416117 71.292384 23.869796
> 71.138672 22.351562 71.138672 z M 40.613281 71.789062 L 40.613281 107.77148
> L 44.994141 107.77148 L 44.994141 71.789062 L 40.613281 71.789062 z M
> 49.701172 71.789062 L 62.064453 107.77148 L 67.03125 107.77148 L 79.371094
> 71.789062 L 74.816406 71.789062 L 64.537109 102.08398 L 54.277344 71.789062
> L 49.701172 71.789062 z M 89.566406 71.789062 L 77.203125 107.77148 L
> 81.822266 107.77148 L 84.773438 98.541016 L 99.369141 98.541016 L 102.31836
> 107.77148 L 106.87305 107.77148 L 94.533203 71.789062 L 89.566406 71.789062
> z M 92.039062 76.585938 L 98.001953 94.492188 L 86.095703 94.492188 L
> 92.039062 76.585938 z
> Alejandro
> --
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