Look and Feel in LC8

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at livecode.com
Fri Mar 11 04:39:26 EST 2016

On 11/03/2016 01:26, Roger Guay wrote:
> Sorry if I missed this in prior posts, but what happened to the Look
> and Feel option in the View menu? Isn’t this a serious omission?

The "Look and Feel" options were removed from the menu bar, because it's
technically impossible to make them work the way that users would
naively expect them to work.

Specifically, LiveCode 8 uses a "native" theme by default.  This
requires platform-specific libraries to be available (for example, the
OS X button is actually *drawn* by OS X, not by LiveCode, when you use
the "native" theme).  OS X theming APIs are not available on Linux, and
Windows theming APIs are not available on OS X, and so on.

Enabling an OS X look and feel on Linux cannot result in the stack
looking the way it would if you were running it on OS X.

You can still set the look and feel from the message box or script.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at livecode.com>
LiveCode Open Source Team

LiveCode 2016 Conference: https://livecode.com/edinburgh-2016/

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