I need to write an external for LiveCode in C++, but I doubt my ability to do it.

Jonathan Lynch jonathandlynch at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 16:55:51 EST 2016

Hello fellow LiveCoders,

I need to write an external and it needs to be fast. It is for extracting
images from a green screen. I wrote a good algorithm for this in LiveCode,
but it takes 20-30 seconds to handle all of the data processing. I want to
use C++ for speed advantages.

I tried following the desktop externals tutorial that LiveCode uses, but it
seems that the external generator that LiveCode offers does not work
properly with Visual Studio 2015.

Should I try to find a free version of VS 2010? Should I try to fix the C++
library files so that they work with VS 2015? Is there some other very fast
compiled language, like Fortran, that I should try?

I welcome any advice on how to do this.



Do all things with love

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