LC8DP15 feedback-IDE Issues

RM richmondmathewson at
Wed Mar 2 15:10:20 EST 2016

On 2.03.2016 21:53, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 3/2/2016 10:04 AM, Mark Waddingham wrote:
>> Just to clarify my comment, what I was trying to point out (in an
>> attempt at a humourous way) is that invoking a 'interface designer' does
>> not magically mean you end up with a user interface which any one person
>> agrees with, or actually works for all use-cases.
> Oh yes, absolutely, and I've found the team to be remarkably 
> responsive. I was very impressed with Ali, he really listened and was 
> intent on making the IDE as perfect as possible. I wanted to hug him, 
> I was that happy.
> That said, there are certain established expectations for how computer 
> interfaces work, how people read/scan written material, how layouts 
> are most easily accessed, and so forth. Every time a tool breaks any 
> of those expectations the user will be frustrated or annoyed, even if 
> it is just momentary. That's what happened to me when I recently 
> started to explore the new IDE.
> I have very strong motivations to use LC, it's my whole business. But 
> I was frustrated enough that I went back to vs 7 after each attempt 
> with 8. I will learn it eventually, and I'm willing to do so, but I 
> wonder about the new users we want to court. If they need to read 
> documentation (currently lacking) and expend a lot of effort to learn 
> how a tool works ("selections aren't as you'd expect, we do it this 
> way,") they won't bother. We'll lose them.
> I could make a list if that would help. There are too many small 
> things to write reports about each one, but I do think that attention 
> to these little details would improve the user experience. The team 
> may think my criticisms are trivial, but they did cause me trouble. 
> And I very much want new users to intuit the IDE immediately and get 
> drawn in. Surely making them fight their instincts can't be productive.

I am actually quite curious as to why the Livecode team decided to 
change the Properties palette
so radically.


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