Hey-Ho and Off We Go with HTML5

RM richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 03:30:00 EST 2016

On 2.03.2016 10:18, Mark Waddingham wrote:
> On 2016-03-02 09:01, RM wrote:
>> Preferably this would be WITHOUT the message having to go via the
>> client's e-mail system as:
>> 1.  The message should be anonymous.
>> 2.  The end-user may have no e-mail client configured.
> Okay so there in terms of what you will be able to do in this regard 
> with the HTML5 engine there are two feasible options as far as I can see:
> 1) "launch url" with a 'mailto:' URL. This would invoke the locally 
> configured email client (and is what revMail does). This won't (I 
> believe) work in the HTML5 engine yet because we haven't hooked it up 
> (to my knowledge at least). I *think* this would be possible - Peter 
> could perhaps comment. (It would ask the hosting web-browser to launch 
> the url).
> 2) Put a web-service on a server and get that to send the email. This 
> requires no client-side email configuration but does require 
> configuring a web-service to do it. Indeed, there might be third party 
> services out there which could be used. Again, Peter would have to 
> comment on the feasibility of whether this would work in the HTML5 
> engine at the moment since I cannot recall off the top of my head 
> which (if any) URL primitives we have yet implemented.
> Warmest Regards,
> Mark.

Thank you very much for a reply that is a statement of the /status quo/ 
as regards e-mailing from Livecode at the moment. This is extremely 
helpful as it gives me an idea of what I /can/ and /cannot/
do at the moment in this regard.

What I would like to do, ideally, is set up a chart of some sort with 
text entry fields for students to fill in
online, then click a 'submit' button that will send the field entries as 
a list to an e-mail address.

As the current revMail capabilities are not /currently/ implemented in 
the HTML5 engine that will have
to wait.

Am I right in understanding that, theoretically a least, the goal is to 
implement all the capabilities
of Livecode into the HTML5 engine?


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