The Future of LiveCode in Education

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Tue Mar 1 00:23:36 EST 2016

It's been a long time... and to be sure my memory is probably way off...


But we have this from 1986 and I thought (I certainly could be wrong) I was already coding in Hypercard for some time ( a year or so I think at least) before this:

Because I'm sure I was banging out code on a box that did not look like this Mac Plus, in 1984-5...

FYI we were the first ever machine-networked desktop publishing operation on the planet (or so we were could have been Apple Hype)

On February 29, 2016 at 7:01:40 PM, Colin Holgate (colinholgate at<mailto:colinholgate at>) wrote:

I’m trying to figure out which bit of information you mistyped. 1983 would be fairly late for getting an Apple II, but 1983 was before the Mac was released, and the Mac II didn’t come out until early 1987 I think.

Your remembered date is also four years before HyperCard was released. It could be that you meant 1993, and it was one of the last Macintosh LC II machines that you got. That would certainly have come with HyperCard.

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