Getting Library Stacks into Memory

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Thu Jul 14 23:14:19 EDT 2016

Amazing how hard this is for me… I must be super dense or something is really missing in the docs.

OK , so you say we don't need to use "go" to get stacks into memory

I have this in my loader stack

put ( getPathForSharedLibraries() & "itemMetadataParser.livecodescript") into tMediaParser

put tMediaParser

# this returns:

# /Users/Brahmanathaswami/Documents/App-Development/SivaSivaAppWorking/_SivaSource/source/shared/libs/itemMetadataParser.livecodescript

insert the script of stack tMediaParser into back

# this stack is

a) not showing up in the project browser

b) does not really appear to be in the back script because it is not answer any calls to commands that are in it after being added to backscript?

What am I missing?

I seem to remember inserting the script of a stack into back at some point
in the past. I know for sure you can start using the stack which is
effectively the same thing.

The main thing is that you don't need to "go" there to load the stack into
RAM. Just putting it in use does that, as does accessing any property.
Referring to it in almost any way loads it. The one exception I can think
of is "there is a file" which only reads the file directory. But "there is
a stack" does load it, because LC needs to open and read the file to
ascertain its structure.

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