snapshot and animation capture

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Jan 29 13:53:47 EST 2016

Richmond wrote:
 > At the risk of throwing a spanner in the works I want to refer you
 > to this:
 > "Hi all, Some weeks ago,
 > I reported that windowShape was not working in my Lubuntu Linux setup.
 > After looking around and testing many recipes,
 > finally I found the program that works in my setup.
 > The windowshape property was not working in Lubuntu Linux because it
 > does not include,
 > by default a composite manager."
 > posted by someone wiser than me.

That was Alejandro, and AFAIK he and I are among the very few people in 
the LC community using Lubuntu specifically (and in all fairness I only 
run it on my oldest computer; everything else runs Ubuntu which includes 
the Compiz compositor).

If the chart showing number of users running different Linux distros in 
the middle of this page is any guide, not much of an issue:

Of the ones shown there, AFAIK only Xubuntu lacks a compositor; Lubuntu 
isn't even on the list.  Like Puppy Linux and other slim distros, both 
Xubuntu and Lubuntu are designed to run on older machines or in 
configurations that don't meet the minimum requirements for more 
fully-features distros like Fedora, Ubuntu, or Mint.  Of the two Lubuntu 
is slightly leaner in its disk and RAM requirements, so I'm not sure why 
Xubuntu is more popular, but regardless consider them both in the bigger 

Windows: ~85%
Mac:     ~10%
Linux:    ~5%

With Xubuntu at probably less than 5% of Linux' 5% of desktop computers, 
the number of affected users among the total addressable market is very, 
very small.

If we were to look at Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Puppy Linux, and other such 
distros combined, I'd be surprised if the lot of them totaled more than 
0.01% of desktops in use.

And even then, not much to worry about since we choose these lightweight 
distros for specific reasons, and we know what we're in for.  Software 
that requires compositing generally only runs on beefier hardware, so 
when we choose a lightweight distro we understand we're not going to 
have as many apps available to us, and that's generally okay for the 
cases where we want a light OS.

When we need a compositor we know where to get it - after all, how else 
could we run the cube? :)

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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