Windows 10 file paths

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jan 15 00:08:54 EST 2016

On 1/14/2016 7:04 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> On 01/14/2016 04:07 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> Does "there is a file" on Windows
>> return "false" if the user doesn't have permission to access the file?
> I would hope so.

Okay, just to finish this up, I found the definitive answer in the 
Microsoft docs:

"File.Exists Method (String)
Type: System.Boolean

true if the caller has the required permissions and path contains the 
name of an existing file; otherwise, false. This method also returns 
false if path is null, an invalid path, or a zero-length string. If the 
caller does not have sufficient permissions to read the specified file, 
no exception is thrown and the method returns false regardless of the 
existence of path."


Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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