One Rect For All specificaiton

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sat Jan 2 20:32:56 EST 2016

Scott: I’m not actually interested in working in hi-res. ON our last project I worked in native size
(iphone 6+ …..736H X 414w)

 it was enough to learn/know to make all images 1472 X 828 (then we get quality), import those and simple resie them to fit.

By on my new LG monitor (huge!)  using 14 X 9 as the stack rect (this actually works well with fullscreenmode set to “No Border”)

it was very small… So, I got the idea to just “double it!”

i.e Scale factor 2



644 X 414  ==   1288 X 828


1104 X  724  TOPLEFT    (x)92,(y)52

bottom nav bar 48 x 2 = 96

now this stack fits beautifully on my macbook pro.. . and is still big enough on the cinema display.

2X work well because you just double the numbers: iOS wants 44 x 44 icons on the bottom tab bar: Just just bring them in at 88 X 88.

And Colin “nailed it” on the safe zone:

see this puzzle thing I am working on (for images this time)

I have a light blue area in the middle that is the “safeZone” and I tested on iPhone 6+ and iPad and its perfect.

The last project was done as “

 set the fullscreenmode of this stack to  “showAll”

But there are caveats with “showAll” —you get  perfect fit in only one direction… so it “blindsides” you on what is happening.  Using the NoBorder  seems to be more transparent…

We will see. I will try the scalefactor idea.. but working in 2X  has some advantages.

On January 2, 2016 at 12:16:29 AM, Scott Rossi (scott at<mailto:scott at>) wrote:

I know there are a few folks out there who work at actual hi-res size, and
I understand they're constantly shifting their stacks around on the screen
due to the limitations of most displays (especially with portrait-oriented
layouts). For myself, I'd rather be able to see the entire layout at
once, at near the same size it's going to appear when held in-hand on a
device, and let LiveCode take care of the scaling.

A great tip I learned from a colleague: When working at natural size and
you want to zoom into a stack to make some fine adjustment, simply set the
scaleFactor of the stack to 2, make the adjustment, and return the
scaleFactor back to 1 when finished.

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