Players in HTML5 - ETA for Full Functionality?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Feb 26 15:15:21 EST 2016

On 2/26/2016 1:38 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
> I don't understand why the OSS version won't work for you if it's a 'hobby'
> thing

I understand what he means. The OSS version would work fine, but that's 
not the point. His point is that he thinks LC is losing money from those 
who would like to contribute by purchasing a license at a reduced rate 
(possibly restricted to personal use only, or something similar I'm 

It isn't that there is no path forward, but rather that he thinks the 
current licensing model is costing the company some sales. I don't know 
if that's true or not, I'm just playing interpreter.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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