Players in HTML5 - ETA for Full Functionality?

Scott Rossi scott at
Thu Feb 25 18:12:54 EST 2016

Two qualifications: I haven't followed this thread closely, and I haven't
played a great deal with the HTML5 build.  That said, does an HTML5
standalone have the ability to interact with the HTML of the surrounding

If yes, it would seem to be relatively straightforward to do what most
HTML apps do, which is displaying video content in an iFrame, or embedded
video on the same page.  Perhaps this is even how player support will
eventually by provided by the LiveCode guys.  But if you need a solution
now, maybe this route is an option.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

On 2/6/16, 7:57 PM, "use-livecode on behalf of Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami"
<use-livecode-bounces at on behalf of brahma at>

>Are players expected to work in HTML5? I created a really simple stack
>with a button to fetch a remobe URL to an MP3 file, set the filename of a
>player on the card to that URL and start playing.
>really simpleŠ works on desktop like a charm.
>Fails in HTML5 standalone made with LC 8dp14
>I already bug reported this, but thought to ask here.
>streaming remote audio/video will be mission critical for us.

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