Release 8.0 DP 14

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Feb 5 11:22:23 EST 2016

Richmond wrote:

 > I am absolutely sure that when LiveCode 8 comes to fruition it
 > will make all that has gone before look very inferior. A while
 > back I characterised LC 8 as where LiveCode really escapes its
 > HyperCard ancestry and becomes very much its own beast: the ape
 > comes down from the trees . . . I do believe that, and that a
 > spot of patience will reap dividends. AND, while we are waiting
 > the thing to do is to keep developing with stable releases (6 &
 > 7) and bug test 8 and keep the feedback going (even "snotty"
 > feedback if necessary).

Well said.

I almost never use any pre-Stable version for deployment, but I almost 
always do my daily development in the most recent test build.

This means my customers get the most solid software I can help deliver: 
  they get the final build of a version, and long before it's final I've 
had months to work with my code in it, able to find any issues that may 
come up long before it goes final so my customers don't have to see them.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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